Ghost Of Tsushima Iki Island Guide - How To Get The Monkey See Hidden Trophy

Scattered around Iki Island, the new explorable area in Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, are animal sanctuaries where you'll meet some of the cuter inhabitants of Iki. Of the many sanctuaries you'll find, the toughest to reach is the monkey sanctuary at the top of Saruiwa mountain. But in addition to the sanctuary and the charm you'll earn from reaching it, the mountain also hides another secret: a hidden Trophy called "Monkey See."

To unlock the Monkey See Trophy, you have to find some specific locations on Saruiwa and take some specific actions. Here's everything you need to do to unlock the Monkey See Trophy.

Climb Saruiwa​

First, head to Saruiwa at the southern end of Iki Island and find the staircase that will lead you to climbing the mountain. You'll know you're on the right path when you find two monkey statues on either side of it. Up the stairs, you'll hit an open area with a lot of statues. Look to the right of the path and you'll see the three wise monkeys depicted in statues, embodying the maxim of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." One covers its ears, another covers its eyes, and the last covers its mouth.

The trick to the Trophy is to seek out each of those three trophies around the mountain. They're actually pretty easy to find, however.

Where To Find The Three Monkey Statues​

Look for the path to the first monkey immediately to the left of the entrance of the mountain. Play your flute for the statue to activate it.
1. Kikazaru, Hear No Evil: After you find the three small monkey statues, you'll see the exit to this section of the cave, which is a narrow hole you'll have to squeeze through. Ignore that and instead, look to the left side of the cave if you're facing the exit to find a tree stump you can hit with your grapple hook and climb. Follow that path upward until you hit a slackline you can walk across. That'll lead you to a rocky outcropping with the first statue, which covers its ears. To trigger it, play a song with your flute. You'll know you did the right thing if the black bars appear on the top and bottom of the screen.

The second monkey statue is off the path to the right, where you can climb down. Throw a smoke bomb in front of it to activate it.
2. Mizaru, See No Evil: Return to where you climbed up and go through the narrow passage. That'll put you on a mountain path that continues upward. Wait for a break in the rock wall on your right. You'll see both a footpath ahead and a spot where you can climb down on the right. Take the climbing path down--be careful, as the first handhold will break away when you grab it--and descend to the bottom. There, you'll find the statue in a small alcove, next to a painting of a samurai with lightning bolts behind him. This monkey is all about being blind, which is your clue to how to trigger it: stand in front of it and throw a smoke grenade to make yourself disappear.

The last monkey can be reached when you cross a bamboo footbridge to find a path you can climb down using your grappling hook. Descend to a small pond below and swim across it to find the last statue. Bow before it to activate it.
3. Iwazaru, Speak No Evil: The last monkey is a little farther up the mountain. Return to the footpath and keep going until you cross a bamboo bridge. You'll eventually see a slackline that lets you cross to go further, and if you're paying attention, a climbing path on your left leading up. Ignore the upward path--you actually want to climb down a significant way to reach the last monkey. Keep following the footpath until you can start using your grappling hook to climb downward. Descend until you find a tide pool with monkeys all around it; jump in and swim to the other side, where you'll find the last monkey statue covering his mouth. Since this monkey doesn't speak, you need to communicate with it non-verbally, so to trigger it, stand in front of it and bow.

If you've done it all correctly, you should get small cutscenes from each statue. When you're done, climb back up to the slackline above the pond where you started and take the handholds to climb up.

Continue To The Monkey Shrine​

If you haven't already reached the shrine at the top of Saruiwa, keep climbing up to reach it. Complete the shrine by playing your flute for the monkeys there and you'll receive the Monkey See Trophy for your efforts.
