Steam Update Should Make It Easier To Get Steam Deck Game Recommendations

  • Thread starter Luis Joshua Gutierrez
  • Start date
With Steam Deck becoming more and more popular, Valve has released a new feature that informs other players if a review left on a game's Steam page was primarily played on the handheld.

The announcement was made on the official Steam Deck X/Twitter account. Going forward, users will know if a reviewer's platform of choice is the Steam Deck. If the game was "primarily" played on Deck, an icon will denote that.

Good morning! We’ve just shipped a new feature on Steam that shows when a customer review was written by someone who played primarily on Steam Deck. Keep an eye out for the Deck icon to see how these players reviewed the game, and let us know what you think!

— Steam Deck (@OnDeck) August 22, 2024

This is particularly helpful because some games do run better on Steam Deck than others. This feature should help users to get some sense about whether those having a positive or negative experience did so while playing on the handheld. This complements the existing system that labels games as Verified, Playable, Unsupported, or Unknown, which correspond with how well the experience works on Deck. The hardware is capable of running even higher-end AAA games, such as Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, and more.

If you're a Deck owner looking for recommendations, be sure to check out our picks for the best Steam Deck games to play in 2024."
